
Introduction: Quality of life (QOL) is an important
parameter that needs to be considered when
evaluating the experience of patients receiving
health care. The study aims to describe the quality
of life of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
(CKD) under maintenance hemodialysis (MHD).

Materials and methods: The study was descriptive,
cross sectional involving 106 CKD patients
undergoing maintenance hemodialysis for at least
2 months in the hemodialysis unit of Pokhara
Academy of Health Science, Pokhara. Patients
undergoing hemodialysis during the data collection
period (March 2021 to August 2021) i.e. 106 were
taken as sample. Patient aged less than 18 and more
than 75 years were excluded. Data was collected
by interview technique using SF-36 questionnaire
and analyzed via SPSS version 21and p-value<0.05
were considered significant. Independent T-test,
one way Anova were used for statistical analysis.
The quality of life was determined by Physical
Component Summary (PCS), Mental Component
Summary (MCS) and overall quality of life.

Results: The overall quality of life was slightly above
the average and physical component summary was
better than mental component summary. The finding
shows that there is statistically significant difference
in age (p<0.001), marital status (p=0.002), duration
of hemodialysis (p<0.001) and education status
(p<0.001) with quality of life.

Conclusion: It was concluded that the overall
quality of life was slightly above the average and
physical component summary was better than mental
component summary in the studied population


Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Maintenance Hemodialysis (MHD), Mental Component Summary (MCS), Physical Component Summary (PCS)